2022-01-17 17:45:08

Top 3 Metaverse Projects to Watch In 2022

Facebook’s embrace of the metaverse has unleashed a world of new blockchain projects that merge the concepts of virtual reality, digital worlds and cryptocurrencies. The metaverse refers to computer-generated worlds where people can don avatars, explore, interact with other users, play games, create a business, buy and sell land and other assets. Metaverses took the digital realm by storm in 2021, serving as a facilitator of social interaction, business, recreation, gaming and education, to name just a few. They have exploded in popularity and their current momentum suggests they’re going to become a much bigger part of our culture as the new year progresses. So without further ado, here’s a quick rundown of three of the most promising metaverse projects to keep an eye out for in 2022. Bit.Country The metaverse is all about creating value and human connections, and Bit.Country is doing its part by making it more accessible to everyone, regardless of their location, background and beliefs.   Bit.Country is a platform that enables anyone to build their own metaverse, where they can establish their own rules and formats and bring their own cryptocurrency to incentivize and reward followers and contributors. It provides all of the tools needed to get started with a map of their 3D world, support for games, commerce, economics, digital land ownership and governance. Built upon the Metaverse.Network, which is based on Substrate...

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