2021-12-15 18:09:27

They Said the Internet Would Never Take Off, How About Web 3.0?

Imagine an internet that functioned for the sole purpose of pleasing its users and was not dominated by data collecting giants like Google and Facebook. One that was not being used as a means to harvest our personal data, but rather was built and governed by its users. Now stop imagining, this is Web 3.0. Web 2.0 was in its way magical, it turned the one-dimensional first version internet into a two-dimensional place to play, work and communicate. Web 3.0 intends to go the next step and turn the internet into a three-dimensional place, where we can “visit” people wherever they are in the world, where we can interact, conduct transactions safely and privately, and where no organization will ever collect our private data or track our activities. What is Web 3.0? The difference with Web 3.0 is that it will be based on the blockchain, consisting of a network of different chains that are interoperable, allowing us to deploy smart contracts for smart transactions. The blockchains themselves are built from codes, compiled and authenticated across thousands of decentralized nodes globally, giving no power to any intermediary or middleman, rather run and governed by everyone. All activity is authenticated and automated directly onto the blockchain, which makes transactions or interactions tamper-proof and non-manipulatable. The real challenge that Web3 faces are adoption by those individuals who do not really comprehend what it is, how...

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