2021-11-04 10:22:55

Attrace Introduces Promote To Earn Model For Blockchain-based Projects

Earning money online has become a popular trend as advancements in technology continue to revolutionize how human beings interact. In the last few years, the Pandemic and the growing mobile and internet penetration have seen people from all walks of life find alternative ways to earn money. While the whole online industry is gaining traction, blockchain-based projects seem to be gaining most of this attention. The need for change Despite its popularity, blockchain still lacks fundamental systems, especially applications within the marketing industry. The marketing structures in the blockchain industry still lack the proper systems to distribute referral rewards to promoters who participate in promoting various processes, including Initial DEX Offering (IDOs), Liquidity Pools, decentralized applications (DApps), and NFTs. Moreover, there is also no Web3 native solution that is trustless for affiliate marketers, which can be used for making payments expanding promoter’s performance. As the world moves to decentralization and complete digitalization, there is a need to create decentralized structures to help with the transition. So far, most marketing systems are highly centralized, a structure that has proved to be a danger to many businesses. Centralized marketing systems have over the years been involved in numerous fraud cases, data protection concerns, and lack of transparency in operations. As a result, there are high...

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