2021-10-18 07:56:48

Demole is Taking NFT Gaming Beyond the Blockchain

The proliferation of consumer-grade PC hardware and smartphones pushed the global gaming industry to a valuation of $300 billion in 2021, making video games a more popular form of entertainment than the American film industry. Running parallel to this rise in the popularity of gaming is the explosion of the decentralized finance (DeFi) market, and more recently, the emergence of gamefi, a revolution in blockchain-based gaming which adds an economic spin to what has till now been mere entertainment. The exclusivity of non-fungible token technology makes NFTs a solid foundation upon which to build unique, bespoke player experiences. However, bridging the gap between a novel, emerging technology and the existing global gaming industry has, until now, proven to be a difficult task. Introducing Defi Monster Legends Demole is the first 3D role-playing game based on NFT technology in the world and operates on a play-to-earn basis. It pits player-characters against one another in a PvP environment and pulls together a range of popular gaming mechanics prevalent in triple-A games, such as campaign storylines, resource crafting, arena battles, progressive upgrades, boss battles, a player-operated item marketplace, and more. Recognizing that the global gaming industry exploded largely due to the popularity of smartphone gaming, Demole expands the traditionally PC-based NFT gaming sector into the mobile arena. Demole, which functions as a...

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