2021-10-14 17:00:29

Waitlist For Coinbase NFT Marketplace Climbs Above 1.1 Million On Launch Day

Coinbase recently announced the launch of its NFT marketplace, much to the delight of crypto investors. Its aim is to make the minting, selling, buying, and storing of non-fungible tokens easier for investors who want to get into the market. It brings this service to its 68 million-strong user base in its mission to make crypto more accessible to investors. The NFT marketplace, which is yet to be opened for trading, will provide competition to the leading non-fungible token marketplace OpenSea. With its large user base, Coinbase may be set to be the largest NFT marketplace. Alongside the announcement of the marketplace was a waitlist sign-up for interested parties. On the first day following the launch, Coinbase has already broken the 1 million mark for users who had signed up. Over 1.1 Million Sign Up For Coinbase Waitlist The waitlist which is open to everybody has seen a tremendous amount of support. On its first day, Brian Armstrong, Co-Founder and CEO of Coinbase, announced that the waitlist had gotten over 1.1 million sign-ups. Interest in the non-fungible token marketplace has been high and users have poured out support for Coinbase following the announcement. Over 1M people have signed up for Coinbase NFT since we launched yesterday 🤯 — Brian Armstrong (@brian_armstrong) October 14, 2021 Related Reading | SpaceBudZ Marks First NFT Sale Above $1 Million On Cardano Network Traffic to th...

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