2021-09-14 04:36:24

Patientory: Enterprise Blockchain vs. Public Blockchains

Enterprise blockchains, permissioned decentralized ledgers, are now being developed to streamline business processes. From tracking the supply chain, recording health information, and settling global payments, Enterprise blockchains are a type of private blockchains. Public blockchains are permissionless networks where anyone on the internet can view, read and write data.  No single entity has central control of a public blockchain. Operation and network maintenance rely on incentivizing participants to join and strengthen their agility. Patientory is an permissioned enterprise-based blockchain  Patientory is a decentralized network which forms the PTOYMatrix blockchain network for recording, storage, and distribution of medical and health records. The application is based on an enterprise-level blockchain that is open and distributed across healthcare providers. Each record is updated, verified, and replicated robustly to ensure security and zero data breaches.  Features of enterprise blockchains and how they are important for Patientory Regulation – An enterprise or private blockchain ensures that nodes abide by certain requirements rules and regulations to ensure appropriate workflow. The role of Patientory, as a replacement to the existing electronic record system in health care information storage, deploys a trustless, secure, and distributed platform for patient information.  A permissioned blo...

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