2021-09-09 20:16:31

Ukraine set to legalize cryptocurrencies

TL;DR Breakdown Ukraine has started processes to make crypto legal.Crypto investors in Ukraine to be protected against law after bill approval.crypto bill to open crypto market for investors in Ukraine. Ukraine has joined the small list of countries laying down some ground rules for the cryptocurrency market to make the currency legal. It is a positive sign for the crypto community as more governments now realize cryptos are around to stay. A draft law legalizing cryptocurrencies passed the second reading in the Ukrainian parliament on Wednesday, September 8. In several countries, cryptos have not totally been outlawed or made a legal currency. According to CNBC, only four countries have made crypto legal, with Ukraine joining that list as number 5. Local reports in the European country revealed that 276 Ukrainian lawmakers voted for virtual asset bill 3637, which now paves the way for a regulatory framework and wider acceptance. After it is assented to by President Volodymyr Zelensky, crypto investors in the country would be protected from fraud. The new legislation would spell out certain protections against fraud for those who own Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies as lawmakers have taken a stab at defining core terminology in the world of crypto. However, locals are allowed to buy and exchange virtual currencies until now, but companies and exchanges dealing in crypto were often under close watch by law enforcement. Lega...

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