2022-05-10 04:30:25

DeFi Looking to Monetize All Kinds of Blockchain Games

The gaming industry is booming at an unprecedented rate. It’s estimated that the gaming industry is presently worth $173 billion. However, preliminary findings show that that figure might increase to $300 billion in the following five years. In addition, as a result of the current influx of new blockchain games players, gaming has become more practical and approachable for the global community’s estimated 2.6 billion active players. The desire to have fun online is no longer the motivation for many people. When it comes to virtual experiences, gamers have realized that they’re putting a lot of time and money into them. Consequently, they’ve begun to explore methods to make money from their pastime. Unfortunately, there haven’t been many options for casual gamers to profit from gaming efforts outside of eSports until recently. What are Blockchain Games? Blockchains can be used to record and store information because it is impossible to hack or alter their immutable ledgers. As a result, a network’s transaction history is often accessible to the public. In the virtual economy, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, which blockchain powers, have opened up a world of opportunities for game developers. Most games will have marketplaces where players may buy and sell items such as guns, avatars, and loot boxes. However, even if they pay cash for it, they may not own it. This is because developers selected a centralized paradigm...

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