2022-05-05 16:30:37

Profile-for-Proof (PFPs) are Firmly on the NFT Bandwagon

If anyone had the thought that NFTs are about to run their course, they should think again. With all the NFT innovations and applications in use out there, the world is still probably scratching the surface of possibilities out there. And the fun fact is that they’re increasingly creating jobs as well as increasing users’ financial independence. While play-to-earn games featuring NFT market trades captured the minds of many a gamer out there, the industry could face its biggest competitor. And no, it isn’t by the NFT arts or memes, which are quite vibrant spaces in their own right. The competition is from Picture-for-Proof(PFP) NFTs. What are PFP NFTs First things first, just what are Picture-for-Proof NFTs? As geeky as the initials PFP may sound, they aren’t some intimidating tech or economical term. PFP simply stands for profile picture. So yes, there are profile picture NFTs available. They act as a form of digital artwork that people purchase and save as their profile pictures. They’re more like a digital avatar that one uses to express their persona online. The Sense Behind Buying One Financial Independence The first reason is that one gets to enjoy full independence and control of their finances. NFTs are based on a blockchain, Ethereum being the most common. The platforms involved are non-custodial, in that they don’t keep a user’s private keys. One gets the sole ownership rights to assets via the private keys. The down...

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