2022-02-11 20:54:20

Peter Schiff Speculates Bitcoin Price Fall Amid Heightened Geopolitical Tensions

American Stockbroker Peter Schiff has once again speculated a fall in Bitcoin prices. In a tweet made minutes before the time of writing this article, the Bitcoin critic criticized mainstream media houses like CNBC for ignoring the 2% drop in Bitcoin’s price in the face of a crisis, when gold was up by 2% to $1863, which is its highest price in the last three months. He also said that had the situation been reversed, CNBC would be constantly talking about it. Many Other Than Peter Schiff Predict a Fall in Bitcoin Prices Over the Weekend Incidentally, Peter Schiff is not the only one speculating a drop in Bitcoin’s price. With the U.S. urging its citizens to leave Ukraine amid the threat of a war with Russia, many have been left wondering if this will lead to a fall in Bitcoin’s price. Schiff, in one of his tweets made a few days ago, had said that gold was a potential alternative to Bitcoin and it was a safe investment. The situation between the U.S and Russia has been deteriorating rapidly as there have been speculations about Russia planning to invade Ukraine over its growing inclination towards the European world. Experts predict that if there is indeed a war between these two giants, it would take a massive toll on Bitcoin’s prices. If that happens, the bull run for Bitcoin would be short-lived after it managed to crawl its way back to $45,000 after falling to $33,000 last month. The post Peter Schiff Speculates Bitcoin Pr...

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